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Lyrics by Underworld for

her sky wings...

havin a winj-  a winjer



i could be a downer about anything

i'm a winjer

havin' a winj-


everything looks miserable

when you're a winjer

opinions enter the house of flame

when you're a winjer

i'm havin' a laugh

i'm havinalaugh

with the roof off

and the sunlit

take your top off
take your
take your top off
			you look happy now
			you look happy now

good spikes


warm grass around you
warm grass around you

warm grass around you

i'm a winjer

today could be a downer

i could be a downer

about anything

everything looks miserable 

when you're a winjer

i'm i'm
i'm havin a laugh

with the roof off

and the sunlit

take your top off
take your top off

			you look warm in the night

follows the road

warm grass around you
warm grass around you

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •