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Lyrics by Underworld for










watched her die, watched her fly, watched her cry,
watched her fly, watched her fly, watched her fly,

watched her die, watched her fly, watched her cry,
watched her fly, watched her cry, watched her fly,

watched her die, watched her fly, watched her die,        (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
watched her fly, watched her cry, watched her fly,

watched her cry, watched her fly, watched her die,
watched her cry, watched her cry, watched her fly,

watched her fly, watched her fly, watched her cry,        (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
watched her fly, watched her cry, watched her cry,

watched her cry, watched her fly, watched her die,        (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
watched her fly, watched her die, watched her fly,
watched her smile, watched her fly, watched her fly,      (i'm the spoonman)
watched her smile, watched her fly, watched her fly,      (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)

watched the sky, watched her fly, watched her die,        (i'm the spoonman)
watched her smile, watched her fly, watched her fly       (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)


i'm the spoonman  talkstogod

  [refrain x2]

i'm the spoonman  shesawound
(nice bikini/Steppin Razor)...


  "don't put your hand where you
  wouldn't put your face" she said
  a dollar rubber
  rat Utah plates
  brilliant green sub-
  stance unknown, with a
  face like a peeled
  sheep in drag on                           (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
  make your bowl clean
  make it Sani-Flush
  she said "now i'm
  a new skin" free-
  crispy with this urge
  to phone into, a
  no smoking zone of                         (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
  stainless steel
  Tokyo me and
  big white dog got the
  hijacked pecan
  tarts for Babylon
  Bambi out on
  Mercer Street where the
  crackheads catwalk                         (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
  for charity
  where the teenaged sex
  rides a stoned rhythm
  trading its chili skins
  (chili skins) to the        (screamers)
  screamers come to hunt
  their meats or the snake
  dog shit, re-                              (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
  cycled blondes,             (gold-diggers)
  gold-diggers in kiss boots,
  in stack heels, the         (too much)     (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
  monster trucks, the
  Rolling Rocks, the
  poodle boys, the
  little bone daggers and                    (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)
  dark stuff comes oo-
  zing out the apple core     (apple)
  tonight like a
  beggar's dog tasting the                   (wwwwwooooorrrrrlllllddddd)


              into  the
  blood into  her   blood
  into  the   blood into
  her   blood into  the
  blood into  her   blood
  into  the   blood into
  her   blood 

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •