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Lyrics by Underworld for


do you still feed the animal? 


do you still feed the animal?


and the wires come in

open eyes   close us
			(slide beneath the city)
slide beneath the city
and the feet in the streets above us
			(and your voice again)
and your voice again
			(and your voice again)
			(and your voice again)

i dont want you to call again

do you still feed the animal?

muffled madness

i couldn't go through this again

you say you love her
		you know you love her
			you never want to be without her

you say you never want to hurt her
		you know you hurt her

how many lives you've lived
how many hurts you've done
how many times you've come to this place
		how much you want it

you say you love her

do you-

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •