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Lyrics by Underworld for
Little Speaker.

did you get these from around here?
very facey he he he he he
the faces thinking hmmmm, shmm, hmmm
those things like that
yeah yeah
jane who
i don't think so, no
actually i think you do have

oh god
you're looking well man
i don't know
i don't know
i haven't, weighed, uh
weigh, i never weigh myself
maybe it is hard
uh, it's weird
do you
oh well, y'know, i do
it's-it's strange
i just got some kind of weird growing disease
i do
i feel hard
i feel like i'm still growing sometimes
if i really stand up, i'm straight
i just go, "fucking hell,
i didn't used to be that tall"

listen, um




• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •