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Lyrics by Underworld for

god bless ya


i need sugar                    
i need a little water sugar
i get thoughts about you        
and the night it wants me
like a little lost child
locked in a safe place
lookin out the window
the dark move fast past
the window
the dark on the otherside of
the locked door

my thumb's on a tetris keyring      
moving in brilliant timing
you pick up the phone
and i'm imagining


tiny wires in her ears
slide into the city            
tiny wires in her ears
slide into the city
still under her
cloud above her
still under her
cloud above her

        (expected early in the mornin')
        (expected early in the mornin')

rising in the morning stopped to you
beneath the feet of the city
you disconnect from me
when you're gone
you take your century

        (expected early in the mornin')
        (expected early in the mornin')

telephone breath between us          
the whole world is between us
only these wires
dust between the wires
and the green grass

in the distance
i am your tourist

moving in brilliant timing...

        (expected early in the mornin')
        (expected early in the mornin')
        (expected early in the mornin')

        (expected early in the mornin')

moving in brilliant timing...

        (expected early in the mornin')

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •