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Lyrics by Underworld for
Dinosaur Adventure 3D (RCM version).

what you waiting for
day's long
what you waiting
what you watching the skies for
what you waiting the holes are for water
water let the fall
let the clothes in
let the clothes on
keep your clothes on
whoever - you love
whoever - you look happy
i feel dazed
i feel dazed orange girl
with a pineapple head
walks in the sun
with a friend - the mouse
with a friend - the shadow
warm machine
warm machine
wrap her arms
wrap her arms around me
warm machine
warm machine
you come to wrap her arms tight
to wrap her body

between her arms are tight
wrapped around her body
she move fast
she look down
she won't look in my eyes
i remember now
her unnatural surprise

what you waiting for
day's long
what you waiting
what you watching the skies for
what you waiting the holes are for water
water let the fall
let the clothes in
let the clothes on
keep your clothes on
whoever - you love
whoever - you look happy
i feel dazed
i feel dazed orange girl
with a pineapple head
walks in the sun
with a friend - the mouse
with a friend - the shadow
warm machine
warm machine
wrap her arms
wrap her arms around me
warm machine
warm machine
you come to wrap her arms tight
to wrap her body 

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •