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Lyrics by Underworld for
dinosaur adventure 3d.

What you waiting for : day's long
What you waiting : what you watching the skies for : boy
What you waiting the holes are for water : water let the fall
Let the clothes in : let the clothes on
Keep your clothes on
Whoever : you love
Whoever : you look happy
I feel dazed : I feel dazed : orange girl
With a pineapple head : walks in the sun
With a friend : the mouse : with a friend : the shadow
Warm machine : warm machine
Wrap her arms : wrap her arms around me
Warm machine : warm machine
You come to wrap her arms tight : to wrap her body
She move fast : she move slow
She move down into the water
I remember
I remember unnatural
I was leaving you
What you looking for : babe
Your voice : I'm not incredible
Your voice is in desperation
I hear you
I hear you bleeding

       Between her arms are tight:
          Wrapped around her body:
    She move fast : she look down:
        She won't look in my eyes:
               I remember her now:
           Her unnatural surprise:

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •