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Lyrics by Underworld for


i'm invisible...

and a razor of love...

why doncha call me? i feel like flying in too...

i'm invisible...

and a razor of love...

why doncha call me? i feel like flying in too...

and a razor of love...

i scream 
i scream 
i scream so much
you know what i mean

			this electric stream

and my tears 
interleave with the wires and energy
and my machine
this is my beautiful dream

	hurting no one
	hurting no one
	hurting no one
	hurting no one

i wanna give you everything
	     you energy
	     a good thing
	     you everything


one final scream 	of love
who couldn't climb 	this high
she looks beautiful 	like a child
a fuel of tears
and i wanna scream 	you know what i mean
this is hurting no one
		and a razor of love

why doncha call me? i feel like flying in too...

and a razor of love...

• Layout and code © 2000-present Doug Stewart, all lyrics are © Underworld. •